Note: This post is outdated. I don’t saturate my link at home because of bandwidth delay product[0]. I knew this at the point of writing the post, but I could never get my calculated theoritical speed (even considering bdp). It was most probably because I did not consider the number of hops between me and the server when doing the calculations.
I removed the extra steps to parallelize rsync like so
4ssh root@bifrost.wg find -L /var/media/dir \
-type f -printf '%P\\0' | \
parallel -0 --no-run-if-empty rsync -avrRsz --progress \
root@bifrost.wg:"/var/media/dir/{}" /tank/tv/dir
Original post:
Not sure if its because of my ISP packet shaping or otherwise, but single connections never saturate my 1gbps link at home. I needed to move a lot of music files off a server back to a new storage pool so:
first make a list of files
2find /zroot/DATA/music/ -type f -name "*.flac" \
-exec dirname "{}" \; | uniqsplit it into 12 parts
split -l N list
use xargs to parallel rsync
2find . -name "xa*" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} -n 1 -P12 rsync -avzr \
--no-links --quiet --files-from={} alex@host:/ /tank/music/
This gets me on average 25MB/s as opposed to 2MB/s on single threaded rsync.